04 June 2010

The good life

MARIE: We are just back from our long holiday, and what a brilliant time we have had! When Jon was diagnosed three years ago, it was a kind of wake-up call to seize the day and enjoy the good stuff right now, while we both still can. One decision was to take those holidays that we (okay, perhaps particularly I) had been dreaming about, and bugger the costs. If Jon is still up to big holidays in 5 or 10 years’ time, that will be a great bonus, but we’re making sure not to miss out by taking our pleasures up front.

So, soon after diagnosis in 2007 we booked a safari in Tanzania involving some primitive camping which would be beyond Jon today. The next year we took a tour through Cambodia and Vietnam where we rarely stayed more than one night in any one place, also something that would now be a challenge for him. And this year we have again stretched Jon on a holiday through the natural wonders of the western US that may not be possible in a year or two because of the sheer amount of time difference and jetlag. That completes a hat trick of dream holidays, so even if health and finances keep us firmly within Europe for the rest of our lives, that’s okay – we have seen the world, and Jon has thousands of photos to prove it.

Apart from the grand splendour of canyons and mountains, and the thrill of seeing wild bison and bears, we realized some way through the holiday that we were also thoroughly enjoying taking a break from Parkinson’s. Normally not a day goes by without at least one of us going online to one or more PD chat forums, rarely a week goes by without some PD related appointment or other, our home is filling up with grab poles and back massagers and pill dispensers, and our minds and conversations are often preoccupied with Parkinson’s too. Of course PD came with us on holiday in the form of a sponge bag packed full of drugs, a propensity for late mornings, and a need for me to stand in as occasional grab pole and putter on of socks. But these seemed minor issues, and on the whole this was a well-earned break from all things disease-related.

Normal life is now gradually resuming. The suitcases are empty and the fridge full again, we have waded through tons of post and email, have (at last) put in an offer for the bungalow that we hope to move to before the end of the year, and are ready to engage again with the vexed and vexing issue of Jon’s medication schedule. Now, even the blog post is now done. The sun is shining, the tea is brewing, and all is well with our world.

1 comment:

eddie spaghetti said...

so jon was diagnosed in 2007 and as you write it is just 3 years later. my hubby was diagnosed around the late 90's and we traveled for many years following. But now our trip to Barcelona in sept 2018 may be his last big outing. We were supposed to go to California this coming February but hubby is just too ill to be going anywhere at the moment - sad.