12 September 2010

Things to look forward to

JON: In my last posting I moaned about being OFF for far more of the day than I am prepared to put up with. Well, nothing's changed: my back hurts like buggery, various and varied bits of me feel as if they are in spasm, and if I ever find the incompetent git who designed this body – well, he’s not going to enjoy the meeting. Intelligent design? Ha, more like 5pm on a Friday … And it is raining again, not proper rain like we used to get when I were a lad, but this new fangled miserable drizzle that goes on for day after day after damp bloody day. Not that I want to appear negative in any way, because I do have a couple of things to look forward to.

First, I’m off to the UK next weekend to see some old, old friends who I’ve known since my school days (I would have said “since I was a small boy in short trousers”, but in fact my German mum made me a small boy in lederhosen …). Since we’re now all terribly middle-aged, I doubt there will be much debauchery, but I’m all geared up for drinking too much beer and talking bollocks.

And the week after that we’re going to the Parkinson’s congress in Glasgow. I’ll let Marie talk about that, she does cheerful so much better than me.

MARIE: In the course of our work lives, Jon and I have both attended numerous academic conferences – he to make presentations and build a network, me to sell books and build a business. We’ve both enjoyed this hugely, so when we heard of the World Parkinson’s Congress in Glasgow later this month, we were immediately interested.

It sounds pretty excellent, with four days packed with lectures, events, displays, games, posters – and full of people who really know about PD. An embarrassment of riches, really, and the difficulty is in choosing which bits to attend. We’re also hoping to meet others from the internet chat forum we frequent, I’ve promised to write a few articles for the Danish association’s magazine, and Jon is on a mission to take photos for a poster – plus we’ve signed up for every available optional extra, from the opening reception to the closing ‘brain game’ session.

Quite ambitious, and if Jon continues to feel as he does now, we’ll not manage everything. By luck and design, though, our hotel is very near the conference venue, so he can slink off for the occasional nap with or without me. It’ll be brilliant.

1 comment:

eddie spaghetti said...

I’ve promised to write a few articles for the Danish association’s magazine,...…….

I wonder what the association and magazine is and if it's on-line.